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Back Up Your WhatsApp History to Google Drive

Back Up Your WhatsApp History to Google Drive

What if your phone suddenly slips while traveling on a bike?

Obviously you will end up losing all your important personal data, contacts, especially your WhatsApp Chat Data.
Sounds bad, doesn't it? 

But, now you need not worry if your phone suddenly dies or goes bad. Here is some great news for all WhatsApp users! Simply back up your WhatsApp chat history to Google Drive - history of photos, videos, and chats and never worry if your phone suddenly got corrupted.

If you use Android smartphone, at least.

That's because WhatsApp tied up with Google Drive, letting you create a private online backup of all your data from the now Facebook-owned chat service.

The app will let you back up your entire WhatsApp chat history. This includes voice messages, photos, and videos, to Google Drive, giving you extra security that your data is safe if your phone goes blank.

Now, you can restore everything on a new phone or tablet with just a few clicks. But wait... the new backup feature will be gradually appearing out in the next few months, and will appear in your WhatsApp settings once it is officially available.
This new feature offers a seamless way to back up your data in the cloud with encryption for added security now with WhatsApp currently having more than 1000 million users, and most of them are on Android devices.

Back Up Your WhatsApp History to Google Drive
WhatsApp currently has more than 1000 million users !!!


Review: Writing and Publishing Your First Book: From First Idea to Overnight Marketing Success

Writing and Publishing Your First Book: From First Idea to Overnight Marketing Success

Writing and Publishing Your First Book: From First Idea to Overnight Marketing Success - How to Write, Edit, and Publish eBooks - is a godsend for those who have a knack for writing books and want to do so. But then there are many bottlenecks that need to be overcome.This book will systematically remove them for you. So if you have been wasting your talent or spent time in other pursuits then this will set that right. Yes... make money now with writing. This book delivers what it promises, and gives us the right information.

Did you know that writing can create additional income? Even to the extent that you can replace a full-time job by publishing books.

This book covers everything. From getting your ideas out of your head onto a paper, to editing, proofreading and finally on how and where to market your book.

The author provides fascinating information on sites that sell eBooks and what you can expect by way of expenses in signup costs and royalty payments. This information is definitely worth the price of the book!

I highly recommend this to any aspiring author. It is truly a must read for those who are bathroom writers (akin to bathroom singers)!

This world economy has slipped into a terrible shape and what we see is merely an attempt to bolster our past glory. A feeble attempt to maintain the old status-quo. But for how long? Expenses are skyrocketing while incomes have been stagnant or dwindling in some cases.

And then there are those who have no time to live a free life with their family. This book shows us all an opportunity to change. To start a real business using writing as a backbone, step by step. This book will lead by hand.

Of course selling eBooks at Amazon is covered (obviously Amazon is a big name), but the author goes much further.  And trust me, you will never be able to guess what  the first step is in order to start making money using your writing skills!

There is no rocket science here. The author re-assuredly guides us with our baby steps and makes us take the plunge.

Everyone can benefit from the steps given in the book and can expect to make decent if not great income from publishing. Start with Amazon and then go beyond. The world is the playground now...

Get the kindle edition here.
And the hardcover version of this book here.

Note: The links in this page are affiliate links.