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How to block Game and App invites on Facebook

How to block Game and App invites on Facebook

Hi Kish
I have a problem. I want to know how to block Game and App invites on Facebook. You see I have a 'friend' in Facebook who keeps sending me invites to games almost every day. I asked him to stop sending these invites as I am not a gaming aficionado. In return he asked me to stop posting in his Facebook feed! I wonder how his thick-skulled brain did not comprehend the simple fact that my posts in his Facebook feed is because he accepted me as a friend in the first place! And he says with utter disrespect that he does this as a retaliation of my feed!
I asked him to simply unfriend me and finally that was what he did.
However I have a nagging doubt. Can I turn off the game invitation option so that no one else can disturb me in that way? Sorry if I sound frustrated... but I am.

Yes there is a way to do it. Lots of FB users love playing games on Facebook, but many others would prefer not to disturbed, in case they have no interest in these things.
As madame luck would have it, there are two ways to block all game (and app invitations) permanently! And the sad fact is that not many people are aware of it!

Method 1: Here’s how:

Note: Disabling game and app invites will disable ALL Facebook games and apps, even the ones that you use yourself on a daily basis. See the last paragraph of this post for further details. If you are OK with that let’s get started!

  1. Go to your Facebook account settings icon in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Click the Apps link over in the left-hand column and go to the Apps, Websites and Plugins section.
  3. Click the Edit link.
  4. Click the Disable Platform button. That's it!

From now onwards you will never receive any game or app invitation. Of course you can revert later and turn Platform back on simply by editing the choice you made in step 4.

Note - If you turn off the Platform apps:

  • You will not be able to log into websites or applications using Facebook.
  • Your friends won't be able to interact and share with you using apps and websites.
  • Instant personalization will also be turned off.
  • Apps you've previously installed may still have info you shared. Please contact these apps for details on removing this data.
  • Apps you've logged into (with Facebook or Anonymously) will be removed.
  • Posts by apps will be removed from your profile.

Method 2 - (Recommended by me):

Go to the GAMES section. On your Facebook news feed page there is a column on the left. Can you see the GAMES section?

Click on it and you’ll see a list of games that are available on Facebook.

Click on the ACTIVITY tab.

On the left you see INVITES and REQUESTS. By default the page loads REQUESTS, if you’re not playing any games then the REQUESTS list would very likely be empty.

What you need to do is click on INVITES (because that’s the irritation that you’re facing from your thick skulled 'friend'.

OK so now we’re at the list, and this is where you can actually block all game requests. When you click on the big X mark on each invite it will ask you two things as seen in the pic.

 You have a few choices now.
a) Block ALL invites related to the particular game in this case Pirate Kings or -
b) Block the said individual from ever sending you games.

Choose option (b) if you have problem with one particular individual as in your case.

Hope it helps!


  1. Thank you. I strongly considered blocking people for sending me game requests. I am happy that I can simply block the requests now. :)
